Let's make it Quick and To the Point
1. from: user_name
→ will get all tweets of that user.
2. from:user_name since:starting_date until:ending_date
→ will get all tweets of that user in between these time frame.
3. from:user_name "keyword"
→ will get all tweets of that user in between these time frame.
3. from:user_name "keyword"
→ you will get that keyword's related tweet from the user.
→ you can also use AND , OR operator with keywords
4. finds only popular tweets
→ min_faves:500 (minimum 500 likes on tweet)
→ min_replies:500 (minimum 500 retweet on tweet)
→ min_retweet:500 (minimum 500 retweet on tweet)
5. exclude:replies
→ adding this with from:user_name will give you user's only main tweets not replies tweet. Means only main contentGrimacing face
6. combination
and lastly you can play permutation and combination with all this features . here some examples -
That's it for today and connect with me on twitter